Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Brain Game

The classic minesweeper puzzle game is one of the oldie games that can surely develop cognitive and emotional development among kids, while at the same time giving parents peace of mind knowing that this game does not in any way gives bad impression or any form of violence to their child. This type of non intrusive puzzle game can easily be taught and learned making it a no brainer for more adult if you ask them.

With the financial crisis affecting most of the families living in the world today, budget is the number factor that needs to be considered on choosing games. Expenses are reasonably if you are going to the classic minesweeper game. It is practically free, knowing the fact that it can easily be accessed to almost any gadget that has the power to connect to the internet and at the same time has the 3d rendering capability. 

Minesweeper can establish cognitive abilities and basic logic among its players despite its very simplistic mechanic and presentation. It may not be comparable to that of the games released in the present but with its benefits it surely has more advantage than being a disadvantage especially if you are going to consider the parents’ decision on this matter.

It can improve a young child's IQ, in particular their analytical and reasoning skills. Each action in the game fits in an exact area of the brain. It may at first give a kid might a little bit of frustration but as he go along, he will eventually learn to play the game of course with adult’s guidance.

Analytical needs perseverance and steadfastness to stay with the job until it is addressed. It needs breaking the trouble down into smaller sized steps, then addressing each step one at a time, while maintaining a concentrate on completing the total goal. Each of these problem-solving skills is needed by puzzles. As children grow and develop better skills, puzzles can grow increasingly more difficult in order to continue promoting skill development at higher levels with enhancing degrees of difficulty. Puzzle game like minesweeper can even instruct the kid patience, as tactics does not go well that easily.

Minesweeper in general can motivate kids to think ahead about the outcomes of their activities. They will have to think about the effect of doing a certain action into a certain place of the game.